The last two years have brought unique challenges to fundraising professionals at organizations large and small.
During this tumultuous and unprecedented time, how did donors change their behavior – if at all – and what did successful fundraisers do in order to achieve year-over-year growth?
In this timely session, Josh Meyer from Bloomerang will break down all of the leading research studies into 2020-21 fundraising and donor behavior, as well as Bloomerang user data, campaigns, and case studies, in order to reveal the key elements that your nonprofit should be focusing on now to achieve fundraising success in 2022 and beyond.
Key Takeaways:
- Recap 2020-21 giving trends from Giving USA, Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, The Fundraising Effectiveness Project, and more.
- Explore body of knowledge into donor behavior, including donor loyalty and donor attrition.
- Learn donor communications, engagement and stewardship techniques that generated results during the pandemic.
Joshua Meyer
VP, Demand Generation, Bloomerang
Joshua Meyer brings more than 20 years of fundraising, volunteer management, and marketing experience to his current role as the VP of Demand Generation for Bloomerang. Currently, as a member of the Bloomerang marketing team, Josh manages all organization’s growth marketing efforts. Through his previous roles at the Human Rights Campaign and OneCause, he has a passion for helping to create positive change and helping nonprofits engage new donors and achieve their fundraising goals.